Coffee can be a blessing. And a curse. I have wasted study time to the hyperactive jitteriness that hot, brown bean water can induce. However, early on Saturday mornings, when the body and mind haven’t quite gotten the requisite 8 hours of sleep, coffee is definitely a blessing. This is the position I found myself in earlier this month, at the Reds on the Run race. Because of past performance, Good Shepherd had been given the opportunity by Youth Run NOLA and the race organizers to bring 10 kids and race. Thus, I found myself sanctified by free coffee at 7:30 in the morning. 

Instead of the full 10, only three kids showed up, and thus we three coaches were able to evenly distribute ourselves amongst our runners. While I was initially a little bit disappointed that only three kids came, we coaches were allowed to hang out with the kids one-on-one. The whole experience was a ton of fun, and we could talk, run, and encourage the kids we were with while also relaxing with the knowledge that we didn’t have to keep track of a whole group. The race turned out to be a great experience, ending with a health fair where I observed one of our runners fleece every booth for as much free stuff as she could get. She would politely approach the booth, ask what organization was being represented, and ultimately ask if they were giving out anything free. She walked out of there with three full bags. 

March hours: 15
Spring total: 41


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